I first learned about Weston Price in Dr. Cate's "Deep Nutrition". By following the advice of her and others in the Keto community I have managed to transition to the healthiest version of myself I've ever been in my 74 years. In my neighborhood of mostly retirees, my wife and I are the only ones with no prescriptions. We should be entering a golden age of health, but the combined efforts of "Big Food" and "Big Pharma", coupled with climate change, rampant inflation, and the end of cheap energy from fossil fuels, are painting a very bleak picture. Trying to achieve a state of perpetual growth on a planet of finite resources is not working. The future of humanity may come down to those remote tribes of indigenous people that manage to survive the increasingly harsh environment.

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I think it was in a D. Paul Saladino podcast that I heard about during an extended visit with a hunter gatherer tribe in Africa where the members were very fit, lean and muscular he encountered some female tribe members who were quite fat. They went to a nearby village to work and acquired and consumed refined flours and oils. But otherwise they shared much of the lifestyle of their tribe. If this is correct it would suggest diet is a critical factor largely independent of Jack Kruse's factors of sun and circadan rhythms.

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Great point Todd!

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