In The Malignant Centralization of Agriculture, Healthcare and Nutrition, we explored how centralization, interventionism and top-down control has distorted three key societal life-support systems.
For the past 50 years, short term profits have been prioritized at the expense of long term health of people, the food supply and the ecosystem.
The solution to these problems lies in resisting further centralization, eliminating interventionism and promoting decentralized, organic, bottom-up growth.
In short, we need a #DecentralizedRevolution in Agriculture, Healthcare and Nutrition.
Reversing the Harms of Centralization
This Decentralized Revolution must necessarily reject many technological innovations that speciously appear ‘advancements’ —industrial broad-acre cropping, intensive feedlot animal husbandry, industrial meat processing and the ‘prescription-pad’ medical approach.
Why? Because these are simply optimizations in the wrong direction.
The Industrial Food Complex has strip-mined the soil, poisoned the ecosystem and reduced enormous swathes of land to artificial monoculture. It has produced ‘food’ entirely deprived of nourishment. It has contributed to the abysmal state of public health today and spawned a medical system that merely medicates the symptoms of disease while ignoring #RootCauses.
Paradoxically, to move forward, we must move backwards. The future lies in a return to traditional practices of food preparation, agriculture and ancestral living. We need to revisit time-honored practices developed over millennia to truly fulfil our deep-seated ancestral needs.
Bottom-Up Food Advice
Rather than relying on top-down guidelines written by religious interests, grain growers and the processed food lobby (see The Corruption of the Human Diet), we must return to ancestral dietary wisdom.
An ancestrally-appropriate diet is one that has emerged through thousands of generations and found to provide all essential nutrients in the most bio-available forms. It offers nutrient density and is free from toxins (man-made and plant-made) that inhibit absorption, digestion or utilization of these nutrients.
The blueprint for ancestral eating is the book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by anthropologist Dr. Weston A. Price. Throughout the early 1930s, he documented the dietary practices of traditional peoples who enjoyed impeccable health prior to the arrival of western colonials and their refined foods.
Traditional people prized animal foods above all else — animal organs, meat, seafood, dairy, eggs and fat. Plant foods underwent extensive fermentation or preparation prior to consumption. Women were intentionally offered these foods prior to conception and during pregnancy to maximize the likelihood of having the healthiest baby.
The Decentralized Revolution in nutrition necessitates us to reject a century of dietary programming and dietary mis-information. We must return to a diet rich in an animal fat and animal protein — the essential dietary components for human flourishing.
Decentralized Food Production
Holistic, regenerative farming
Instead of the behemoth industrial feedlots, meat processing plants and refined plant oil factories, we need hundred of thousands and later millions of organic and regenerative family farms that are vertically integrated and self-sufficient.
WhiteOak Pastures and Polyface Farms are two ranching operations that have demonstrated what is possible. They raise a variety of animals including cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens that live in harmony with nature — free to express natural animal behaviors instead of being corralled and imprisoned inside giant sheds of concrete and steel.
Both farms use chemical-free regenerative grazing methods as advocated by the Savory Institute that mimic the ancestral grazing of ruminant herds. This practice involves moving cattle frequently from small paddock to small paddock, allowing cows to graze intensively, deposit dung, then move on to fresh pasture.
The trodden ground is then rested for a prolonged period, allowing the grasses re-grow, nourished by the animal dung and leading to an explosion of symbiotic microbial life that develops incredibly healthy pasture.
Regenerative grazing not only restores the polyculture of plants, insects and microbes, but produces the most nutrient-dense human food — as animals are eating their most ancestrally appropriate diet.
Community-Supported Agriculture
Holistic, regenerative farms can sell their products directly from the farm gate to customers or through initiatives like Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA). CSA customers subscribe to pay a monthly amount to a farmer. In return they receive produce based on the recent kill or seasonal harvest.
CSA represents the best of all worlds because the farmer has guaranteed demand, the consumer gets insight into the provenance of their food, the food travels less distance from farm-to-plate and the big business meatpacker and grocery store gets dis-intermediated.
Peer-to-Peer Commerce
When the farmer-to customer-transaction is done in a censorship-resistant, peer-to-peer currency like Bitcoin, a significant choke-point for government enforcement of bans on the sale of nutrient-dense foods is overcome.
Government will likely seek to restrict, tax or ban the sale of meat in some capacity ‘to reduce methane emissions’, ‘for animal welfare’ or any other reason that serves the interest of the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Agricultural-Complex and their corporate lobbyists.
To secure access to the highest quality foods and resist top-down intervention of central planners in your family’s diet, be prepared to use all available tools at hand.
The Texas Beef Initiative
The Texas Beef Initiative is an example of the Decentralized Revolution in embryo. It aims to connect people directly with ranchers, helping them form a relationship and facilitating direct transaction for their produce.
Beef Initiatives in the mould of the Texas Beef Initiative are needed in every state of every country in the world. This is how we guarantee a constant supply of the healthiest animal protein for families. This is also how we starve the Industrial Food Complex — by removing demand for their products.
Bottom-up Medical Care
As I documented in Part I and Exposing the Med-Pharma-Agricultural-Complex, mainstream medical care has been distorted towards pharmaceutical and surgical interventionism – both a product and a cause of the processed food environment which in turn has led to a chronic disease epidemic of global proportions.
Medical care in a decentralized future is much more bottom-up, preventative and holistic. If you need care for a heart attack, vehicle trauma or ruptured appendix, then the hospital will always be the place to go. Chronic diseases are an entirely different story.
Patients have been uninformed, mis-informed and misguided about the #RootCauses of metabolic disease and chronic lifestyle diseases by the government and primary care physicians for too long — recommendations to eat grains, take statins for primary prevention and avoid ancestral animal fat have done immeasurable harm.
People are now able to educate themselves online, implement dietary interventions and reverse conditions such as obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance and polycystic ovary syndrome without the need for medical oversight.
They are also able to learn from people that are truly healthy, instead of from obese, diabetic family doctors who don’t have enough insight, humility or critical thinking to realize they are promulgating corporate propaganda dressed up as clinical guidelines.
In fact, freeing people from prescription medications for pharmaceutical management of chronic diseases (such as statins) is not only possible, it becomes the default outcome when people adopt an ancestrally-appropriate diet and lifestyle.
The Decentralized Revolution in medical care has the potential to dis-intermediate your Doctor and Pharmacist in the treatment of chronic disease by preventing and reversing it using #RootCauseMedicine.
Decentralized Communities
The logical extension of a move towards decentralized food production and agriculture is the formation of decentralized communities.
The purpose of such communities is many-fold
to bring together like-minded people
to bring people closer to the source of their food
to restore a sense of community to peoples lives
to pool resources in times of uncertainty or the breakdown of centrally-administered services
Most importantly, decentralized communities will be places to help people live their healthiest, most ancestrally appropriate lifestyle.
How would this look? I will refer you to this excellent piece How to Build a Small Town in Texas by @WrathofGnon — and allow your imagination to run. But here are some ideas.
Groups of family farms eventually becoming small villages and hamlets centred in agricultural areas. Multi-use buildings (house/shop) constructed in the local natural building materials of that area (stone, timber, thatching, etc) by local people.
Buildings are constructed slowly over time with love, care, modularity and in harmony with the surrounding environment. Buildings are built to last and can be easily repaired when necessary. Town areas are walkable, free from wasted space and soul-less expanse of strip malls and endless car parks. High-speed satellite internet would allow seamless remote work.
These micro-communities could be incubators of culture, craftsmanship and human community connection that has been lost in the past 5 decades of monoculture and globalism. The Schelling Point of free-living, free-thinking, happy and healthy people who enjoy food sovereignty and optimal health, a by-product of living in an ancestrally appropriate manner.
Time to Act is Now
The Decentralized Revolution in Agriculture, Health and Nutrition is part of what I am calling the #RootCauseRenaissance, a movement to re-imagine society based on fundamental, first-principles reasoning and decentralized decision making.
The choice is yours — you can support the growth of a decentralized agricultural system that provides the most nutrient-dense nutrition for you and your family and enables true human flourishing, or you can continue to submit to an ever-centralizing corporatized industrial food system that disregards human health, animal welfare, soil health and human dignity.
One is the path to freedom, the other to slavery.
Choose wisely.
The Rest Is Up to You…
—RootCause MD
November 23, 2021
Thank you for reading The Decentralized Revolution in Agriculture, Healthcare and Nutrition.
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Credit: Joel Salatin, Will Harris, Paul Saladino, Untapped Growth, LaserHodl, Joe Norman, Jay Bart Simmons, Michael Kreiger, Texas Slim and Wrath of Gnon for providing inspiration for this piece.
Further Reading
Harvest of Deception — Texas Slim
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration — Weston A. Price
Bill Schindler on Peak Human Podcast